Sunday 23 May 2010

Time to dust off this old tome again...

Well, we haven't quite reached the proportions of what I would imagine a tome to be but it's an intelligent sounding word so I'll run with that for the moment.

It's exam season at university so there is stress by the tonne. Thankfully I have my pump to help deal with this and the temporary basal rate function is quite something. The fact I can also give corrections as and when I need without having to ram a piece of surgical steel into me is quite something too. The bloods have been all over the place since going back to university for several reasons. Firstly there is the odd bout of the lurgie that I have had to contend with; a cold gets around a flat or even a block in halls quicker than a dose of dysentry does the rounds in an African village. Then there is that wonderful substance know as alcohol, arguably the cause and solution to all of life's problems. When I was on MDI I had pretty much sussed how to deal with the effects of a piss up. Now I'm on a pump it's all changed. I can feel a series of nights out on the lash coming up as a series of experiments to determine what is the best way to manage my pump and booze. Note to self: only visit RFC if absolutely essential, you DO NOT want a repeat of the last adventure...
Here's comes the point in time where I've lost my original train of thought. Not something too uncommon for me, it happens all of the time. I have been known to look at my passport before giving my name to someone as I even forget that from time to time. I jest. Ah, just caught onto the original train of thought. Food has something to do with how bizarre my bloods have been. The student diet as I know it (beer, pizza, beer, chips) is not what you'd call diabetic friendly. Oh well, I must do what I can. I think my basals still need a little work as summer has now arrived and that means it's now time to crack out the shorts. When I buy these things now I seem to look for pockets that are now large enough to accomodate my pump and all the other diabetes related crap I lug around with me.
I think I must draw this post to a close as I haven't a bloody inkling of what to write about any more. Well, until the next time we draw this somewhat untouched volume down from the shelves of the interweb!

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