Wednesday 3 March 2010

This place is familiar!


Nope, sorry, wrong party conference! I do believe that I have some good news! Despite all the dicking about that I've done with my Levemir doses my HbA1c has only risen by 0.1%. It's now 8.3% and what's even better is my cholesterol has come down to 3.9! Drinking... Mmmm beer. I was out last night and got shit faced rather earlier than everyone else and was thus denied entry in that establishment known to Brighton inhabitants as Coalition... Remind me not to drink on a next to empty stomach again! I do believe I should have had a pizza prior to that one. But hey ho, at least I was up in time to go to my lab class at the satanic hour of nine in the morning!

My new dose of Levemir is currently thirty six units taken at eight in the evening and it bloody well seems to work! For the past few days I've been waking to bloods that are perfectly in range. Now I'm going to ruin that all with a couple of cereal bars....

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