Sunday 22 April 2012

Not really the priority at the moment I must say.

Well yes, congratulations for working out quite how I feel about diabetes at this moment in time. As I say, it's not what I'd call my priority. I've got bigger things to worry about. There's far too much going on outside of diabetes for me to really give a damn about it. Yes I am keeping an eye on it but not too closely. Things are working well with the pump and all that. I've had my blood results back from the clinic I attended a few months ago and all is well on that front. I'm quite happy with it. My albumin was a little on the higher end of normal but none the less it was in range so I'm not worried at all.
So why am I not exactly giving diabetes my full attentiong you might ask? Simple really. I have exams to prepare for and assignments to do for my university. These take priority. Thankfully there is nothing to do with diabetes in these things that I have to do. Also I don't want to give diabetes my full and undivided attention. If I do that, it has won. It'd have me by the short and curlies. I suppose this is me exercising a greater degree of contol other than ensuring that my BMs are spot on and such like. I'm quite happy to bumble around at the moment safe in the knowledge that I don't have to be a slave to diabetes. I don't want to burn out is the simple thing.
At the end of the day, the diabetes is behaving itself and I am getting on with my life surprisingly enough. I suppose it's just to show that unlike some schools of thought would suggest, diabetes does not have to become your life. Frankly I couldn't think of anything worse.


  1. Good to hear Tom. Always good to know when patients don't let their condition rule their lives more than it should.

    Best of luck with your University work.

  2. Sounds interesting, might have to take you up on that some other time.
    Following and supporting your blog! Looking forward to future updates!

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  3. Hi Tom,

    I was wondering if you accepted any guest posting on your site. I couldn’t manage to find your email on the site. If you could get a hold of me at, I would greatly appreciate it!

