Sunday 31 January 2010

Rather new and exciting blood glucose monitor....

I've just gone and bought myself a rather new blood glucose monitor a few days ago. It's an Accu Check Aviva Nano. Admittedly, to the uninitiated this will sound to be a rather dull and trivial matter; it is however of something of great importance to diabetics. You see we reckon if we are lumbered with what we are we may as well have some fun along the way. Spending a few quid because I was bored has had some rather good consequences. This Nano is absolutely tiny. I thought it's predecessor the Accu Chek Aviva was small but this thing is half the size. Think the One Touch Ultra but half the length but twice the width.
I love this little thing because it has ways for me to mark out pre meal bloods, post meal bloods and other things. I can also set reminders in the form of alarms on there. It also does averages of the aforementioned blood glucose readings over seven, fourteen, thirty and ninety day periods. There's a photo somewhere in this post, the more knowledgeable of you may just clock onto the fact that I've not yet mastered this joy that is blogging! The reading in the screen of the Nano in the photo is something that at the moment I dream of!

Tomorrow I may well write a piece about the pump I'll be getting my greasy palms on in April. Who knows if I can in all honesty be arsed to write about that tomorrow. Two posts in one day is enough for any man.

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